WebLogic logging configuration

Logging in the Weblogic server is primarily configured by two steps:

  • First, we need to setup the jbo.debugoutput property when starting the weblogic server
  • Second, we need to configure the logging output through a configuration file
When the jbo.debugoutput property is set to "adflogger", the logging output is sent to the J2SE logging API. The logging configuration is then read from the logging.xml configuration file and the desired output can be configured by editing this file.

Step one: Enable adflogger

Navigate to the domain home bin directory (usually ${MW_HOME}/user_projects/domains/${DOMAIN_NAME}/bin) and edit setDomainEnv.sh. Append the following lines at the end of the file:

JAVA_OPTIONS="${JAVA_OPTIONS} -Djbo.debugoutput=adflogger -Djbo.adflogger.level=FINEST"

Step two: Configure logging

  • Navigate to the server’s configuration directory (usually ${MW_HOME}/user_projects/domains/${DOMAIN_NAME}/config/fmwconfig/servers/${SERVER_NAME})
  • Edit the logging.xml file, either with a text editor or by loading it into JDeveloper (which is more handy since it allows to edit the file with an editor specifically designed for logging configuration files).
  • Configure the packages from which you want to see logging output, e.g. to see all JBO related output set oracle.jbo to the level "FINEST"
  • Save the file

Restart the weblogic server. You will now see the logging output in the file ${MW_HOME}/user_projects/domains/${DOMAIN_NAME}/servers/${SERVER_NAME}/logs/AdminServer-diagnostic.log

See also https://jdeveloperfaq.blogspot.co.uk/2009/12/faq-7-how-to-configure-adf-diagnostics.html for more information.