By using the PRIOR operator on the opposite column as before, we can query the path from a start node to the root node:
SELECT LEVEL, Id, substr( LPAD (' ', 3 * (LEVEL - 1)) || Label, 0, 30) Node FROM TreeNode START WITH Id=6 CONNECT BY PRIOR Parent = Id; -- ^^^^^^^^^^^^
LEVEL ID NODE ---------- ---------- ---------------------- 1 6 Node 2 5 ANode 1.2.1 3 4 Node 1.2 4 2 Node 1 5 1 Root Node
Alternatively, we can also use the SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH() function to determine the path of each node up to the root node, while using the same query as we did in the previous sections for the normal hierarchical query:
SELECT LEVEL, Id, substr( LPAD (' ', 3 * (LEVEL - 1)) || Label, 0, 25) Node, substr(SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH(Label, ' => '), 0, 80) Path FROM TreeNode START WITH Parent = 0 CONNECT BY PRIOR Id = Parent ORDER SIBLINGS BY Label;
The first parameter of SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH defines the column to use for each path component, and the second parameter defines the delimiter to use between each path component:
LEVEL ID NODE PATH ----- ----- ------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 Root Node => Root Node 2 2 Node 1 => Root Node => Node 1 3 3 Node 1.1 => Root Node => Node 1 => Node 1.1 3 4 Node 1.2 => Root Node => Node 1 => Node 1.2 4 5 Node 1.2.1 => Root Node => Node 1 => Node 1.2 => Node 1.2.1 5 6 Node => Root Node => Node 1 => Node 1.2 => Node 1.2.1 => Node 2 7 Node 2 => Root Node => Node 2 3 8 Node 2.1 => Root Node => Node 2 => Node 2.1 3 9 Node 2.3 => Root Node => Node 2 => Node 2.3 3 10 Node 2.4 => Root Node => Node 2 => Node 2.4 2 11 Node 3 => Root Node => Node 3 2 12 Node 4 => Root Node => Node 4 3 13 Node 4.1 => Root Node => Node 4 => Node 4.1